AHCCCS News & Updates 
October 3, 2022

AHCCCS Call Center Customer Satisfaction Survey Starts Today

AHCCCS wants your opinion! Starting today, Oct. 3, customers who call AHCCCS will be asked to participate in an optional, short survey about their experience.

With your feedback, AHCCCS will be able to gauge customer satisfaction with resolving a problem, identify potential opportunities for improvement, and set future goals.

At the end of a phone call, the survey will ask four questions, recorded in both English and Spanish, asking the caller to indicate a satisfaction level of 1 to 4, with 4 being the best customer experience.

Question 1: How would you rate your overall call experience?

If the caller answers with a 4, the survey ends.

If the caller answers 3, 2 or 1 to the first question, there are three additional questions:

Question 2: How satisfied are you that your issue/question was answered?

Question 3: Again, keeping in mind that a rating of 1 means you are very dissatisfied, 2 dissatisfied, 3 satisfied, and 4 very satisfied, how satisfied are you that you were treated respectfully?

Question 4: How satisfied are you that your needs were understood by the representative?

We value feedback from our customers and look forward to learning how we can better serve you.

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