To fully support the State’s efforts to stem the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), and serve Arizonans who’ve been affected by the national emergency, AHCCCS is temporarily redirecting staff efforts. As a result, the delivery of some reports may be delayed. AHCCCS will make every effort to produce all reports with as little delay as possible, and appreciates the flexibility to address the current health crisis. Reports will be posted here as they are available, so please check this page often for updates.

AHCCCS Reports to the Arizona Legislature

AHCCCS Children's System Annual Report

In accordance with Laws 2022, Second Regular Session, Chapter 305, (ARS § 36-3432) AHCCCS has completed a review of children who received behavioral health services during State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) and State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023).

Children's System Annual Report SFY 2022 & 2023

Community College BH Workforce Development Report

Pursuant to House Bill 2691 (Laws 2022, Chapter 330) AHCCCS is required to report on the status of Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) and Northland Pioneer Community College (NPCC) behavioral health workforce training programs in Maricopa and Navajo Counties.

HB 2691 Community College BH Workforce Development Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Report

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2023(C)(6), AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment programs by January 1 of each year.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

SB1609 SMI Survey Feasibility Report

In accordance with Laws 2024, Second Regular Session, Chapter 200, Section 2, (SB 1609) AHCCCS is required to provide information on the development and implementation costs that would be incurred by AHCCCS to develop and distribute a real-time, automated survey to individuals with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation. Please find the report attached below.

SMI Survey Feasibility Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS are required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Report

AHCCCS Mental Health Medication Utilization Report

Pursuant to Laws 2024, Chapter 215, Sec. 12, AHCCCS was required to report on Mental Health Medication Utilization. Please see the report attached below.

AHCCCS MH Medication Utilization Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3405(a)(b)(c), AHCCCS is required to report annually on behavioral health services, detailing programmatic financial expenditures and identifying the number of members who received behavioral health services.

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

SB1311 Administrative Implementation Plan Report

AHCCCS has produced the following report in accordance with Laws 2024, Chapter 163, (SB 1311) –ARS §36-502 (G) which requires AHCCCS to file a report that describes the plan of the administration in completing the requirements of the section.

SB1311 Administrative Implementation Plan Report

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3436.01(C), AHCCCS reports on the number, cost and type of behavioral health services provided to uninsured and under-insured children, based on school-based referrals for such services, funded by the Children's Behavioral Health Services Fund (CBHSF).

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year of total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

ADHS AHCCCS Nursing Workforce Development Report

In accordance with HB 2691 (Laws 2022, Chapter 330) as outlined in A.R.S. 36-1805, ADHS and AHCCCS are required to submit a report on the status of the Nurse Education Investment Pilot Program (ARS 36-1802), the Student Nurse/New Graduate Clinical Placements and Preceptor Training Program (ARS 36-1803) and the Transition to Practice Program (ARS 36-1804).

ADHS AHCCCS Nursing Workforce Development Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCC enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Secure Behavioral Health Residential Facilities Report

Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute § 36-425.06(B) AHCCCS is required to report on monies appropriated for secure behavioral health residential facilities (S- BHRFs). See report below.

2024 S-BHRF Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY23 AHCCCS DCS CHP Accountability Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

SFY25 Q1 Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report

Peer Support Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.15, AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on peer specialists, qualifications, oversight and training. See our Peer Support Report attached below.

2024 Peer Support Report

SMI Annual Behavioral Health Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3415 (B), AHCCCS is required to report on annual mortality; complaints regarding access to services; enrollment; demographics; per capita expenditures; length of stay; readmission rates; and housing waitlist for members with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation.

SMI Annual Behavioral Health Report (SFY23)

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

TIP Expenditures Report 2024

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

Filled FTE Position & Travel and Relocation Expenses Report

AHCCCS Filled FTE Position & Travel and Relocation Expenses Report

Pursuant to Laws 2024, Chapter 209, Section 152, AHCCCS is required to report on filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent (FTE) positions by fund source. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 35-196.01, AHCCCS is also required to report any travel and relocation expenses for Fiscal Year 2024. See report below.

Filled FTE Position & Travel and Relocation Expenses Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

2024 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Appendix C- 2024 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Behavioral Health Annual Report (Updated 10/15/2024)

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in March of 2025.

Hospital Assessment Report

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2023, Chapter 133, Sec. 10, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement. See report below.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Law Legislative Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01 (G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded by local, tribal and county governments, and state universities, including the amount of federal matching monies used.

July Graduate Medical Education (GME) Report


Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2907.06 (I)(3) and A.R.S. § 36-2907.06(I)(4), AHCCCS submitted to JLBC an update on Community Health Centers (CHC) Rural Health Clinics (RHC) Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs.

2024 CHC/RHC GME Report

Community Health Center (CHC) On-Call OBGYN Report

Pursuant to Laws 2023, Chapter 133, Section 10 AHCCCS is required to report on the use of monies from the on-call obstetrics and gynecological services line item, including the number of deliveries and emergency procedures provided by the on-call health care providers for which the monies were spent.

2024 CHC OBGYN Report

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2023, Chapter 133, Sec. 10, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund or that remain in the Hospital Assessment Fund for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2023(C)(6), AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment programs by January 1 of each year.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY23 (Q1 & Q2) AHCCCS DCS CHP Accountability Report

SMI Annual Behavioral Health Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3415 (B), AHCCCS is required to report on annual mortality; complaints regarding access to services; enrollment; demographics; per capita expenditures; length of stay; readmission rates; and housing waitlist for members with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation.

SMI Annual Behavioral Health Report (SFY22)

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

SFY 2024 Q3 Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report

Childhood Immunization Completion Rates

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2904(N), AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a biennial report indicating the number of children who by age two and by contractor received immunizations recommended by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention while enrolled as members.

Childhood Immunizations Report

Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC "before implementing any changes in capitation rates”. See report on AHCCCS capitation rates effective 4/1/2024 below.

Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3405(a)(b)(c), AHCCCS is required to report annually on behavioral health services, detailing programmatic financial expenditures and identifying the number of members who received behavioral health services.

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

HCBS and Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rates Adequacy Review

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2959(C) AHCCCS is required to report on the adequacy and appropriateness of Title XIX reimbursement rates to service providers for the elderly and physical disability program of the Arizona long-term care system.

HCBS and NF Reimbursement Adequacy Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year of total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Report

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to ARS § 36-2903.13, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Report

Community College BH Workforce Development Report

Pursuant to House Bill 2691 (Laws 2022, Chapter 330) AHCCCS is required to report on the status of Maricopa County Community College District (MCCCD) and Northland Pioneer Community College (NPCC) behavioral health workforce training programs in Maricopa and Navajo Counties.

HB 2691 Community College BH Workforce Development Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

SFY 2024 Q2 Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS are required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Report

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3436.01(C), AHCCCS reports on the number, cost and type of behavioral health services provided to uninsured and under-insured children, based on school-based referrals for such services, funded by the Children's Behavioral Health Services Fund (CBHSF).

School-based Behavioral Health Services Report

ADHS AHCCCS Nursing Workforce Development Report

In accordance with HB 2691 (Laws 2022, Chapter 330) as outlined in A.R.S. 36-1805, ADHS and AHCCCS are required to submit a report on the status of the Nurse Education Investment Pilot Program (ARS 36-1802), the Student Nurse/New Graduate Clinical Placements and Preceptor Training Program (ARS 36-1803) and the Transition to Practice Program (ARS 36-1804).

ADHS AHCCCS Nursing Workforce Development Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

SFY 2024 Q1 Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety - Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY22 AHCCCS DCS CHP Accountability Report

H20 Housing Waiver Report

Pursuant to Laws 2021, Chapter 408, Section 9, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the status of the implementation of the 1115 Waiver Health and Housing Opportunities (H2O)services, including a summary of the types of services available by service category, the number of members receiving the services by eligibility category, number of members waitlisted, and program outcomes.

H20 Housing Waiver Report

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Pursuant to Laws 2022, Chapter 313, Section 134, AHCCCS is providing the following report of filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent (FTE) positions by fund source.

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

2023 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Appendix C- 2023 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category. A follow up report will be submitted in January 2023.

TI Expenditures Report November 2023

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Behavioral Health Annual Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

AHCCCS' Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) report for Q3 of SFY2023

AHCCCS' Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) report for Q4 of SFY2023

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in March 2024.

Hospital Assessment Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Report

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2022, Chapter 313, Sec. 10, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund or that remain in the Hospital Assessment Fund for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2022, Chapter 313, Section 10, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

BH Rate Adequacy Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3403(E), AHCCCS must report on the adequacy and appropriateness of Title XIX reimbursement rates to providers of behavioral health services.

2023 BH Rate Adequacy Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Law Legislative Report


Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2907.06 (I)(3) and A.R.S. § 36-2907.06(I)(4), AHCCCS submitted to JLBC an update on Community Health Centers (CHC) Rural Health Clinics (RHC) Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs.

2023 CHC/RHC GME Report

Postpartum SPA Notification Letter

The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System submitted the Postpartum SPA Notification Letter pursuant to Laws 2022, Chapter 314, Section 27, which states:

A. Section 36-2901, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, does not become effective unless on or before July 1, 2023 the centers for medicare and medicaid services authorizes the Arizona health care cost containment system administration to either redetermine the eligibility of members who are less than one year postpartum and are under one hundred thirty-three percent of the federal poverty level or use another methodology that enables the administration to provide coverage for eligible postpartum women pursuant to section 36-2901, Arizona Revised Statutes, as amended by this act, within the existing appropriation.

AHCCCS received approval of its State Plan Amendment (SPA) extending postpartum coverage to 12 months on April 4, 2023.

Postpartum SPA Notification Letter April 2023

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a semi-annual financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY 2022 DCS CHP Accountability Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2023(C)(6), AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment programs by January 1 of each year.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3405(a)(b)(c), AHCCCS is required to report annually on behavioral health services, detailing programmatic financial expenditures and identifying the number of members who received behavioral health services

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the Clinical Oversight Review Committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Maternal Mental Health Advisory Committee Report

Pursuant to Senate Bill 1011 (Laws 2021, Chap. 54) the Maternal Mental Health Advisory Committee is required to create and submit a report of recommendations to improve screening and treatment of maternal mental health disorders. This report provides a list of recommendations concerning improvements for screening and treating maternal mental health disorders in Arizona.

Maternal Mental Health Advisory Committee Report

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

TI Expenditures Report November 2022

TI Expenditures Report Follow-Up January 2023

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year of total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS are required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to ARS § 36-2903.13, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Report

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3436.01(C), AHCCCS reports on the number, cost and type of behavioral health services provided to uninsured and under-insured children, based on school-based referrals for such services, funded by the Children's Behavioral Health Services Fund (CBHSF).

School-based Behavioral Health Services Report

SMI ADA Methodology Report

Pursuant to Laws 2022, Chapter 305, Section 2, AHCCCS is required to develop a methodology to track accommodations that are requested and provided pursuant to the ADA to persons with disabilities who are living with SMI. In addition, AHCCCS must report on the methodology that is developed and the implementation costs that will be incurred by the administration to implement the methodology.

SMI ADA Methodology Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category. A follow up report will be submitted in January 2023.

TI Expenditures Report November 2022

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY21 CMDP Accountability Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

2022 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Appendix C- 2022 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Report

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Pursuant to Laws 2022, Chapter 313, Section 134, AHCCCS is providing the following report of filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent (FTE) positions by fund source.

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Behavioral Health Annual Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2021, Chapter 408, Section 9, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund or that remain in the Hospital Assessment Fund for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY22 Q4

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in March 2022.

Hospital Assessment Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

2022 AHCCCS GME July Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Laww Legislative Report

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2021, Chapter 408, Section 9, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Childhood Immunization Completion Rates

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2904, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a biennial report indicating the number of children who by age two and by contractor received immunizations recommended by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention while enrolled as members.

Childhood Immunizations Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

FFY21 Q1-Q2 CMDP Accountability Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Report

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS are required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3405(a)(b)(c), AHCCCS is required to report annually on behavioral health services, detailing programmatic financial expenditures and identifying the number of members who received behavioral health services.

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year of total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Pursuant to Laws 2020, Second Regular Session, Chapter 58, Section 8, AHCCCS is required to report on the activities and accomplishments of the state suicide prevention coordinator.

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to ARS § 36-2903.13, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2023(C)(6), AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment programs by January 1 of each year.

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3436.01(C), AHCCCS reports on the number, cost and type of behavioral health services provided to uninsured and under-insured children, based on school-based referrals for such services, funded by the Children's Behavioral Health Services Fund (CBHSF).

Behavioral Health Services in Schools Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

SFY22 Q1 Administrative Law Judge Report

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

TI Expenditures Report November 2021

TI Expenditures Report Follow-Up January 2022

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program (formerly the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program).

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in Department of Child Safety- Comprehensive Health Program

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

2021 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

Appendix C- 2021 Uncompensated Care and Hospital Profitability Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Annual Behavioral Health Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob’s Law Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in March 2022.

Hospital Assessment Report

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2020, Second Regular Session, Chapter 58, Section 8, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

2021 AHCCCS GME July Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS were required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency Report

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to Laws 2019, 1st Regular Session, Chapter 270, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-3405(a)(b)(c), AHCCCS is required to report annually on behavioral health services, detailing programmatic financial expenditures and identifying the number of members who received behavioral health services.

BH Annual Programmatic Financial Report

Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2023(C)(6), AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on its Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatment programs by January 1 of each year.

Annual Report on Substance Use Treatment Programs

School-Based Referrals for Behavioral Health Services Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3436.01(C), AHCCCS reports on the number, cost and type of behavioral health services provided to uninsured and under-insured children, based on school-based referrals for such services, funded by the Children's Behavioral Health Services Fund (CBHSF).

Behavioral Health Services in Schools Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY21 Q1

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

2020 Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures Report

2020 TIP Expenditures Report Follow Up

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

2020 Hospital Profitability Report

2020 Hospital Profitability Report Appendix

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

CMDP Accountability and Trends Report

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Second Regular Session, Chapter 276, Section 10, AHCCCS is required to report on the activities and accomplishments of the state suicide prevention coordinator.

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Annual Behavioral Health Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY20 Q4

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in February 2021.

2020 Hospital Assessment Report

2020 Hospital Assessment Report Attachment

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob’s Law Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2019, First Regular Session, Chapter 263, Section 12, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a semiannual financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

CMDP Accountability and Trends Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY20 Q3

Substance Use Treatment Programs

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2023, AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on Substance Use treatment programs in this state that receive monies from the Administration.

Annual Report on Substance Use Treatment Programs

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Arizona Revised Statute §36-2907.14 requires the Administration and its contractors to reimburse an Opioid Treatment Program Provider for enrolled members only if the provider demonstrates enforcement of each plan contained in the annual report. Additionally, §36-2907.15 indicates that the Administration and the Department of Health Services shall establish standards for designating centers of excellence for treating opioid use disorder statewide.

Opioid Treatment Programs and 24/7 Access Points Report

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY20 Q2

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year 2019total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to Laws 2019, 1st Regular Session, Chapter 270, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Report

Hospital Chargemaster Report

Pursuant to A. R. S. § 36-2903.12 , AHCCCS and ADHS were required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency Report

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Second Regular Session, Chapter 276, Section 10, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Second Regular Session, Chapter 276, Section 10, AHCCCS is required to report on the activities and accomplishments of the state suicide prevention coordinator.

Suicide Prevention Coordinator Report

Behavioral Health Programmatic Expenditure Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3405, the report identifies the number of clients served by behavioral health service category and includes programmatic financial reports of revenues, expenditures and administrative costs.

BH Annual Programmatic Financial Report

Behavioral Health Residential Facility and Supportive Housing Beds Report

Pursuant to Laws 2019, Chapter 258, AHCCCS is required to report to the chairpersons of the senate health and human services committee and the house of representatives health committee the current number of behavioral health residential facility beds and supportive housing beds that are available in this state for adults determined to have a serious mental illness.

Behavioral Health Residential Facility and Supportive Housing Beds Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Quarterly Report SFY20 Q1

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2018, Chapter 276, Section 10, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund for the period 07/01/2018 - 12/31/2019.

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties 06/28/2019

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Appendix C - Hospital Transparency Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 152, Section 1, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.


APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

Pursuant to Laws 2013, First Regular Session, Chapter 202, Section 5, AHCCCS must submit a report on the APR-DRG Payment Methodology. This report includes the history of the APR-DRG Methodology, potential operational issues, and how the agency will move forward.

2019 DRG Report

BH Rate Adequacy Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-3403(E), AHCCCS must report on the adequacy and appropriateness of Title XIX reimbursement rates to providers of behavioral health services

2019 BH Rate Adequacy Report

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Pursuant to Laws 2019, Chapter 276, Section 175, AHCCCS must submit a report regarding filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent positions.

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment. Due to claims data lag, a follow up will be posted in February 2020.

Hospital Assessment Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 8-512.01, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Law Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 273, Section 7, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a semiannual financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

CMDP Accountability and Trends Report

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 284, Section 19, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Report

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.09, AHCCCS is required to confirm the submission of waiver requests seeking the authority to implement community engagement requirements and a five-year maximum lifetime benefit limit.

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report SFY19 Q2

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Opioid Epidemic Grant Monies Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Second Regular Session, Chapter 2885, AHCCCS and the ADHS are required to submit a joint report to the joint legislative budget committee regarding how the grant monies for states to address the opioid epidemic included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (P.L. 115 141) will supplement the monies appropriated to AHCCCS pursuant to Laws 2018, first special session, chapter 1.

Opioid Epidemic Grant Monies Report

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency

In accordance with Laws 2018, Chapter 284, Section 28, AHCCCS and ADHS are required to submit a joint report on hospital charge master transparency. The report provides a summary of the current charge master reporting process, a summary of hospital billed charges compared to costs and examples of how charge masters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency Report

Interstate Agreement Report

Pursuant to A.R.S § 36-2925, subsection H, AHCCCS is required to submit a report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS). This report summarizes the financial and operational activities for the Interstate Agreement between AHCCCS and the Med-QUEST Division/Department of Human Services for Hawaii.

Interstate Agreement Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year 2018 total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

SFY 18 Programmatic and Financial Annual Report & SFY 17 Revised Programmatic and Financial Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3405,the report identifies the number of clients served by behavioral health service category and includes programmatic financial reports of revenues, expenditures and administrative costs.

SFY 18 Programmatic and Financial Annual Report & SFY 17 Revised Programmatic and Financial Annual Report

Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2023, AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on drug abuse treatment programs in this state that receive monies from the Administration.

Annual Report on Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

Behavioral Health Residential Facility and Supportive Housing Beds Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 151, AHCCCS is required to report to the chairpersons of the senate health and human services committee and the house of representatives health committee the current number of behavioral health residential facility beds and supportive housing beds that are available in this state for adults determined to have a serious mental illness.

Behavioral Health Residential Facility and Supportive Housing Beds Report

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Targeted Investments Program (TIP) Expenditures

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, AHCCCS is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Targeted Investment Program expenditures by program category.

Targeted Investments Program Expenditures Report

Tribal Outreach and Engagement Activities

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-2051, AHCCCS must review the agency’s tribal consultation policies and submit an electronic progress report to the Governor’s Office on Tribal Relations.

2017-2018 Annual AHCCCS Report on Tribal Outreach Engagement Activities

Targeted Case Management Report

Pursuant to the direction given to the agencies by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee at the meeting of June 19, 2018, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) submitted a report on the status of the implementation of the Targeted Case Management (TCM) caseload ratio change.

Targeted Case Management Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 276, Section 149, AHCCCS must submit a report regarding filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent positions.

Full Time Equivalent Positions Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and AHCCCS is required to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

Pursuant to Laws 2013, First Regular Session, Chapter 202, Section 5, AHCCCS must submit a report on the APR-DRG Payment Methodology. This report includes the history of the APR-DRG Methodology, potential operational issues, and how the agency will move forward.

2018 DRG Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 71, AHCCCS is required to report annually on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Law Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report 06/29/2018

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 273, Section 7, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

AHCCCS CMDP Report 06/29/2018

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2017, First Regular Session, Chapter 305, Section 12, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arn#old v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report 06/29/2018

MIHS DSH Shortfall Letter

Pursuant to Laws 2018, Chapter 284, Section 13, AHCCCS submitted to the legislature the following letter regarding Maricopa County Special Health Care District Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) expenditures.

MIHS DSH Shortfall Letter

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3415, AHCCCS shall report annually to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee on each Fiscal Year's Medicaid and non-Medicaid behavioral health expenditures, including behavioral health demographics that include client income, utilization and expenditures, medical necessity oversight practices, tracking of high-cost beneficiaries, mortality trends, placement trends, program integrity and access to services.

Behavioral Health Annual Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law Report SFY19 Q1

Rejection/Modification of Conclusion of Law SFY18 Q3

Rejection/Modification of Conclusion of Law SFY18 Q4

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 273, Section 7, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.


Childhood Immunization Completion Rates

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2904, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a biennial report indicating the number of children who by age two and by contractor received immunizations recommended by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention while enrolled as members.

AHCCCS Childhood Immunizations Report – Revised September 2018

AHCCCS Childhood Immunizations Report

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.09, AHCCCS is required to confirm the annual submission of waiver requests seeking the authority to implement work requirements and a five-year maximum lifetime benefit limit.

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report 02/06/2018

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Clinical Oversight Review Committee

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2917.01, AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Clinical Oversight Review Committee activities. This report includes a summary of topics reviewed by the clinical oversight review committee in the preceding year and recommendations relating to quality performance metrics stemming from the committee's activities.

Clinical Oversight Review Committee Report

Prop 206 Report

Laws 2017, Chapter 305 requires AHCCCS to conduct an analysis of “the impact of provider cost increases resulting from the enactment of Proposition 206…on the adequacy of the provider network for enrollees in the Arizona Long Term Care System.” This report contains the findings and recommendations of that impact analysis.

Prop 206 Report

Targeted Investment Program (TIP)

In the June 20, 2017 JLBC meeting, the Committee voted favorably on the following requirement: AHCCCS shall report to the Committee its methodology for making incentive payments to providers participating in TIP once the methodology is finalized. The JLBC Chairman shall decide whether the methodology requires further review by the full Committee.

Targeted Investment Program Report 01/28/2018

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2017, Chapter 305, Section 12, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund for the period 07/01/2017 - 12/31/2017.

Reconciliation Payment and Penalties 06/29/2018

Reconciliation Payment and Penalties 01/05/2018

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency

Pursuant to Laws 2017, Chapter 309, Section 21 , AHCCCS and ADHS were required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year 2017 total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

CMDP Network Adequacy Study

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 71, AHCCCS is required to produce a network adequacy study for the CMDP program.

AHCCCS CMDP Network Adequacy Study

SFY 17 Programmatic and Financial Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3405,the report identifies the number of clients served by behavioral health service category and includes programmatic financial reports of revenues, expenditures and administrative costs.

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System / Behavioral Health Services Annual Report Fiscal Year 2017

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to Laws 2017, Chapter 309, Section 22, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Substance Use Treatment Programs

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2023, AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on substance use treatment programs.

Substance Use Treatment Programs

Interstate Agreement

AHCCCS is required pursuant to A.R.S. §36-2925, subsection H, to report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS).

Interstate Agreement

Arnold v. Sarn Report

Pursuant to Laws 2017, First Regular Session, Chapter 305, Section 12, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Report

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 36-2903.09, please find attached a letter confirming the submission of waiver requests seeking the authority to implement work requirements and a five-year maximum lifetime benefit limit.

1115 Waiver Submittal Letter

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.11, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Rejection/Modification of Conclusions of Law

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-1092.08(B), AHCCCS is required to report on the rejection or modification of conclusions of law relating to administrative law judge decisions.

Rejection/Modification of Conclusion of Law Q1

Rejection/Modification of Conclusion of Law Q2

Jacob's Law Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 71, AHCCCS is required toreport on a number of requirements for purposes of ensuring easier access to behavioral health services for children in the legal custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) and adopted children who are Medicaid eligible under Title XIX or XXI.

Jacob's Law Report

Proposition 206 and Provider Rate Adjustments

On June 20, 2017, the Joint Legislative Budget Committee voted in favor to require a report notifying the Committee of provider rate adjustments associated with a Proposition 206 requirement that most employers provide paid sick leave beginning July 1, 2017.

Proposition 206 and Provider Rate Adjustments Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and requires AHCCCS to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

SAVE Report

Tribal Outreach and Engagement Activities

Pursuant to A.R.S. 41-2051, AHCCCS must review the agency’s tribal consultation policies and submit an electronic progress report to the Governor’s Office on Tribal Relations.

Tribal Outreach and Engagement Activities Report

APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

Pursuant to Laws 2013, First Regular Session, Chapter 202, Section 5, AHCCCS must submit a report on the APR-DRG Payment Methodology. This report includes the history of the APR-DRG Methodology, potential operational issues, and how the agency will move forward.

APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

JLBC Full-Time Equivalent Report

Pursuant to Laws 2017, Chapter 305, Section 152, AHCCCS must submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee regarding filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent positions by fund source.

JLBC Full-Time Equivalent Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

340B Drug Pricing

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2930.03, AHCCCS is required to prepare a report detailing the technological feasibility and costs of applying 340B drug pricing to licensed hospitals and outpatient facilities that are owned or operated by a licensed hospital.

340B Drug Pricing Report

Financial and Program Accountability Trends Report For Children Enrolled in CMDP

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 273, Section 7, AHCCCS is required to prepare and issue a quarterly financial and program accountability trends report using certain accountability factors by geographic service areas for children enrolled in the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program.

AHCCCS CMDP Report (Updated April 2018)

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01(G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report 06/28/2017

Hospital Assessment Report 08/01/2017

Interstate Agreement

AHCCCS is required pursuant to A.R.S. §36-2925, subsection H, to report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS).

Interstate Agreement

Targeted Investment Program Funding

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2930.04(F), before the initial deposit of any monies, the Administration shall submit an expenditure plan for review by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee.

Targeted Investment Program Funding

SFY 16 Programmatic and Financial Annual Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3405(a)(b)(c), the report identifies the number of clients served by behavioral health service category and includes programmatic financial reports of revenues, expenditures and administrative costs.

SFY 16 Programmatic and Financial Annual Report

Third Party Liability for Behavioral Health Services

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 13, AHCCCS is required to report on the efforts to increase Third Party Liability payments for behavioral health services.

Third Party Liability for Behavioral Health Services

CYE 2018 JLBC Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, AHCCCS is required to report to JLBC by March 1 annually "on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes."

CYE 2018 JLBC Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

340B Drug Pricing

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 11, AHCCCS is required to prepare a report detailing the technological feasibility and costs of applying 340B drug pricing to licensed hospitals and outpatient facilities that are owned or operated by a licensed hospital.

340B Drug Pricing Report

Graduate Medical Education Residency Positions

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01 (G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education residency positions.

Graduate Medical Education

Behavioral Health Capitation Update Letter

AHCCCS submitted to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) adjustments to the behavioral health capitation rates for CYE 2017. This letter outlines the updated rates and contains a request to be placed on the JLBC agenda.

Behavioral Health Capitation Update Letter

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 32, AHCCCS is required to submit a report detailing the availability of inpatient psychiatric treatment both for adults and for children and adolescents who receive services from the regional behavioral health authorities.

Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment Report

Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2023, AHCCCS is required to submit an annual report on drug abuse treatment programs in this state that receive monies from the Administration.

Drug Abuse Treatment Programs

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2016, Chapter 117, Section 17, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconciliation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund for the period 07/01/2016 - 12/31/2016.

Reconciliation Payment and Penalties 01/06/2017

Reconciliation Payment and Penalties 06/30/2017

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 31, AHCCCS and ADHS were required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency Report

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Pursuant to 36-2923, AHCCCS is required to provide a summary report for State Fiscal Year 2016 total AHCCCS claims cost avoided, a review of carrier compliance in terms of data matching, and a review of carrier compliance in terms of fee-for-service claims processing.

Insurance Carrier Compliance

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 30, AHCCCS is required to report on the use of emergency departments for nonemergency purposes by AHCCCS enrollees.

Hospital Emergency Department Utilization Report

Health Insurer Fee Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, 2nd Regular Session, Chapter 117, AHCCCS is required to report on the estimates of retroactive capitation rate changes to CY 2015 rates for reimbursement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurer fee.

Health Insurer Fee Report

Arnold v. Sarn Semi-Annual Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, 2nd Regular Session, Chapter 117, AHCCCS is required to report the progress in implementing the Arnold v. Sarn lawsuit settlement.

Arnold v. Sarn Semi-Annual Report

Healthcare Services for Native Americans Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 122, Section 29, AHCCCS produced a report detailing an estimate of State and Total Fund expenditures for Native Americans, broken out by fee-for-service and capitated expenditures, an assessment of the state fiscal implications of federal guidance regarding claiming 100% federal funds for certain expenditures, strategies to encourage written care coordination agreements, and an analysis of the impacts of the federal guidance on access to care, continuity of care and population health for Native Americans in Arizona.

Healthcare Services for Native Americans Report

Behavioral Health Capitation Update Letter

The Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) required AHCCCS to submit the final behavioral health capitation rates for CYE 2017 for Committee review upon completion. The letter updates the Committee on this process.

Behavioral Health Capitation Update Letter

Direct-Acting Antiviral (DAA) Medications

Pursuant to JLBC approval of the CYE 17 capitation rates on September 21, 2016, AHCCCS produced a report detailing DAA medications for treatment of Hepatitis C.

JLBC Hepatitis C Report

Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.03, all applicants are required to provide documentation to verify immigration status in order to qualify for services and requires AHCCCS to report on its collection and verification of documentation submitted in accordance with this law. AHCCCS is also required to report on the number of individuals, by citizenship status, referred for prosecution for violations of state or federal law.

SAVE Report

APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

Pursuant to Laws 2013, First Regular Session, Chapter 202, Section 5, AHCCCS must submit a report on the APR-DRG Payment Methodology. This report includes the history of the APR-DRG Methodology, potential operational issues, and how the agency will move forward.

APR-DRG Payment Methodology Report

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 41-3955.01, subsection D, AHCCCS must submit a report on the status of the SMI Housing Trust Fund. This includes a summary of the facilities, cost and location of each facility, and the number of individuals benefiting from the facilities.

SMI Housing Trust Fund Report

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08 AHCCCS must submit a report regarding the change in uncompensated hospital costs experienced by hospitals in this state and hospital profitability during the previous fiscal year.

Uncompensated Hospital Costs and Profitability Report

JLBC Full-Time Equivalent Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 117, Section 167 AHCCCS must submit a report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee regarding filled, appropriated, and non-appropriated full-time equivalent positions by fund source.

JLBC Full-Time Equivalent Report

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01 (G)(9)(f), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education (GME). This report includes information regarding the amount of GME money contributed and the number of residency positions funded.

Graduate Medical Education Report

Hospital Assessment Report

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2903.08, AHCCCS is required to report the amount each hospital contributed for the hospital assessment authorized pursuant to section 36-2901.08 in the previous fiscal year and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment Report

KidsCare Notification Report

Pursuant to Laws 2016, Chapter 112, Section 8, AHCCCS is required to report when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approve the Arizona State Plan Amendment (SPA) to remove the enrollment cap and resume enrollment in the state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (KidsCare). On July 22, 2016 CMS approved the SPA removing the KidsCare enrollment cap.

KidsCare Notification Report

Semi-Annual Arnold v. Sarn Report

This report focuses on conditions for admission and length of stay by class members in the Arizona State Hospital (ASH); supervisory care homes; crisis services; supported employment; assertive community treatment (ACT) teams; family and peer support; supportive housing; community support services; and medication services.

Semi-Annual Arnold v. Sarn Report

Childhood Immunization Completion Rates

Pursuant to A.R.S. §36-2904, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is required to produce a biennial status of 24-month immunization completion rates for children served by AHCCCS. This report also evaluates the performance of AHCCCS contracted health plans individually and overall.

Childhood Immunization Completion Rates

Behavioral Health Needs of Children involved with the Department of Child Safety

This report is an update to a previously published report analyzing psychotropic prescribing among children in Arizona’s foster care system. This report will be updated on an ongoing basis. Future reports will also include a comparison of prescribing trends between the foster child population and the Medicaid child population that is utilizing behavioral health services.

Psychotropic Prescribing Update Report

Waiver Report

Pursuant to a A.R.S. §36-2903.09, AHCCCS shall apply to CMS for certain waivers or amendments to the current Section 1115 waiver. In fulfillment of this requirement, the AHCCCS Administration submitted an application for a new waiver on September 30, 2015 to CMS.

Waiver Report

CYE 2017 JLBC Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Pursuant to a footnote in the General Appropriation Act, the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is required to report to the Joint Legislative Budget Committee (JLBC) by March 1 annually “on the preliminary actuarial estimates of the capitation rate changes for the following fiscal year along with the reasons for the estimated changes.”

CYE 2017 JLBC Preliminary Capitation Rate Changes Report

Interstate Agreement

AHCCCS is required pursuant to A.R.S. §36-2925, subsection H, to report on the agreement between AHCCCS and the State of Hawaii for data processing activities using the AHCCCS Prepaid Medicaid Management System (PMMIS).

Interstate Agreement

CMDP Quarter 1 FY 2016

The Arizona Department of Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health Services (ADHS/DBHS) has reviewed information for members enrolled for the Comprehensive Medical and Dental Program (CMDP) in accordance with the requisites outlined in Laws 2013 Chapter 220.

CMDP Quarter 1 FY 2016

Hospital Assessment

AHCCCS is required to report on the amount each hospital contributed to the Hospital Assessment authorized pursuant to 36-2901.08 and the amount of estimated payments each hospital received from the coverage funded by the assessment.

Hospital Assessment

Graduate Medical Education

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2903.01 (G)(9)(e), AHCCCS must submit annually to the Legislature a report on Graduate Medical Education.

Graduate Medical Education | Rich Text Version

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency

Pursuant to Laws 2015, Chapter 14, Section 23, AHCCCS and ADHS were required to submit a summary on the current chargemaster reporting process, hospital billed charges compared to costs, and examples of how chargemasters or hospital prices are reported and used in other states. The report also includes recommendations to improve the state's use of hospital chargemaster information, including reporting and oversight changes.

Hospital Chargemaster Transparency Report

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties

Pursuant to A.R.S. 35-142.01(B) and Laws 2015, Chapter 8, Section 13, AHCCCS is required to report on the total amount of Medicaid reconcilation payments and penalties received and deposited into the State's General Fund for the period 07/01/2015 - 12/31/2015.

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties 01/05/2016

Reconciliation Payments and Penalties 06/30/2016

The Appropriation Status Report (ASR) provides monthly updates to the Arizona Legislature about the agency's expenditure of its annual appropriations sources and uses of funds reported pursuant to A.R.S. 36-2920 and 36-2994. The State of Arizona's fiscal year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th of the following year. The fiscal year is named according to the calendar year of its last month.

Pursuant to A.R.S. 36-3405(D) the Behavioral Health Enrolled and Served Report provides monthly updates to the Arizona Legislature about the number of persons served, the units of service and the amount of funding provided for client services and the amount provided for regional behavioral health authority administration and case management expenses.

Clinical Criteria for AHCCCS Behavioral Health Enrolled and Served Reports

Pursuant to Laws 2023, Chapter 17, Section 3, AHCCCS shall submit a monthly report to the Legislature, beginning May 15, 2023, on metrics related to the resumption of Medicaid eligibility renewals. The AHCCCS Return to Regular Renewals webpage contains further information, resources and reporting on this topic, including a data dashboard of monthly renewal progress.

AHCCCS Document Archive

If you are looking for previous reports, please visit the AHCCCS Document Archive site.