Posted on 3/13/2025 @ 4:52PM
AHCCCS has been experiencing a mainframe system outage due to a downed power line, which has caused processing delays for applications, eligibility, claims, and prior authorizations.
AHCCCS has received confirmation that the mainframe connectivity has been restored; however, we are waiting to confirm the repair is complete and that all processes are running as expected. For further updates, continue to monitor this site.
Member directed models or options allow members to have more control over how certain services are provided, including services like attendant care, personal care and homemaker services. The models are not a service, but rather define the way in which services are delivered. Member-directed options are available to most Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) members who live in their own home. The options are not available to members who live in an alternative residential setting or nursing facility. ALTCS members or their representatives are encouraged to contact their case manager to learn more about and consider member-directed options.
Agency with Choice a member-directed option available to ALTCS members living in their own home. Under the Agency with Choice option, the provider agency and the member enter into a relationship and share employer-based responsibilities for the paid caregiver. The provider agency maintains the authority to hire and fire the caregiver and provide or arrange for the required minimum standardized training for the caregiver. The member, or their individual representative, may choose to assume one or more of the following employer-based responsibilities:
Click on "Member Notice" for the latest communication regarding the new Agency with Choice, member-directed option. Click on "FAQs" for answers to common questions pertaining to Agency with Choice.
Self Directed Attendant Care (SDAC) is a member-directed option that has been available to members since 2008. Under the SDAC option, the member or member’s legal guardian serves as the legal employer of the paid caregiver and assumes all employer-based responsibilities. The member or member’s legal guardian is supported by a Fiscal Employer Agent that takes care of the taxes, payroll withholding and paychecks for the caregiver.