AHCCCS News & Updates 
March 22, 2023

AHCCCS Releases Strategic Roadmap to Modernize Mainframe Database

In its initial stages of updating its 30-year-old mainframe database, AHCCCS has released a strategic roadmap outlining project recommendations and considerations to modernize its Medicaid Enterprise System (MES).

AHCCCS and Med-QUEST Division (MQD), Hawaii’s Medicaid program, share an MES system. Together, they commissioned NTT Data Services, a national leader in Medicaid technology development, to assess the need to replace legacy infrastructure.

The current MES, developed on outdated mainframe application technology, has limited self-service capabilities, inflexible core systems, and is aging beyond a workforce with the skills to support it. In its MES Modernization Roadmap document, NTT weighs several critical factors and presents recommendations for the system upgrade project.

AHCCCS and MQD are reviewing the recommendations outlined in the roadmap to determine which are feasible given the project timeline and capacity, and will use this document to determine the next steps in the MES upgrade project. While the roadmap was commissioned jointly between the two agencies, recommendations may be considered independently.

Read the NTT Strategic Roadmap.

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