AHCCCS News & Updates 
May 8, 2020

PAX Tools Available to Support Parents As They Teach Children at Home


AHCCCS and the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family have made trauma-informed, evidence-based behavioral strategies available to families, educators and communities in partnership with the PAXIS Institute. Through a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration grant, the PAX Tools are a set of evidence-based, trauma-informed strategies for parents and caregivers scientifically proven to reduce problematic behavior, increase cooperation, and improve relationships between adults and children in the home.

During the COVID-19 emergency while parents are managing their childrens’ education at home, the PAX Tools Recipes are instructions for individual, evidence-based strategies that can support families through the pandemic and beyond. Ultimately, these strategies can reduce instances of child maltreatment and even reduce the risk of psychiatric disorders and drug misuse. These strategies are free to families by completing a PAX Tools Survey.

Watch these short YouTube videos to learn how PAX Tools strategies reinforce good behaviors, help children focus, and promote achievement.

PAX Tools Community Educators training sessions educate those who work with youth and families. Using research-based PAX strategies, PAX Tools Community Educators disseminate PAX Tools strategies to the families they work with in practice and through workshops. PAX Tools is a stand-alone program, but when paired with the PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG) in schools, it promotes outcomes between school-based prevention and community-based prevention.

PAX Tools Community Educators often work in community level prevention awareness/education, mental health and recovery, community health or parent education, faith-based setting, county health department, alcohol, drug addiction and mental health services, extension offices, or similar positions. To learn more about Community Educator Training available in September see the PAX Tools webpage.

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