AHCCCS News & Updates 
October 28, 2020

ROPA providers have until June 1, 2021 to register with AHCCCS

In light of COVID-19 public health emergency and priority efforts it has demanded of public health systems, AHCCCS has extended the ROPA registration deadline to June 1, 2021.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)and the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures) require that all health care providers who refer AHCCCS members for an item or service, who order non-physician services for members, who prescribe medications to members, or who attend/certify medical necessity for services and/or who take primary responsibility for members’ medical care, must be registered* as AHCCCS providers. AHCCCS calls this initiative, and these providers, "ROPA.”

Until these acts passed, referring, ordering, prescribing, and attending providers were required to obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI), but were not required to be registered as an AHCCCS provider.

The deadline extension will help AHCCCS, our contracted managed care organizations, and all impacted providers determine who still needs to be registered and who does not; and ensure denials and access to care impacts are limited and/or negated.

For more information about ROPA and which providers must register, see the AHCCCS ROPA web page.

*Some types of providers, including pharmacists, residents, and interns, can refer, order, prescribe or attend, but are unregistrable AHCCCS provider types. These providers will not be required to formally register with AHCCCS but will be tracked for validity through an alternative tracking system.

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