AHCCCS News & Updates 
May 31, 2023

New AHCCCS Renewals Awareness Toolkits Available

AHCCCS announces two new Renewals Awareness Messaging toolkits and supporting materials to assist health plans, providers, community partners, and tribal communities to build awareness of the regular renewals process that began April 1.

There are two versions of the Renewals Awareness Toolkits – one for Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) and providers, and another for tribal communities and providers. The new toolkits are available on the Renewals web page.

AHCCCS is continuing to work with community partners, advocates, tribal communities, and members to make sure eligible members remain covered, and that those who are no longer eligible are referred to sources for other health care coverage options.

To ensure that members do not experience any gap in health care coverage, AHCCCS asks all members to:

  1. Make sure your mailing address, phone number, and email address on file is correct in www.healthearizonaplus.gov. Login or call Health-e-Arizona Plus at 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587), Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Review the Updating Your Contact Information flier English / Spanish to learn how to update your contact information in Health-e-Arizona PLUS.

    ALTCS members need to call 1-888-621-6880 to update their contact information or to get help with renewals.
  2. Sign up for text or email alerts from AHCCCS. Learn how in this flier!
  3. Check their mailbox for a letter from AHCCCS about renewal of coverage.
  4. Respond to any requests from AHCCCS for more information so the agency can accurately determine eligibility.

The Return to Regular Renewals web page includes Frequently Asked Questions, the monthly renewals dashboard, and other resources to help members understand the renewals process.

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