AHCCCS News & Updates 
January 27, 2021

Tribal ALTCS Launches On-line Case Management Digital Tool Box

The Tribal ALTCS team recently launched a new, digital resource for Tribal ALTCS providers. The Tribal ALTCS Case Management Digital Tool Box (DTB) is a centralized resource of the forms, tools, lists, and policies that Tribal ALTCS program employees need in order to perform their work. The DTB includes innovative features, including a dedicated quarterly report submission portal, a training center with video and slide deck presentations, helpful hints for utilizing certain PMMIS screens, points of contact for each tribal plan, one-click access to the Tribal ALTCS Member Handbook, and schedules for Tribal ALTCS quarterly meetings and quarterly report submission dates.

The AHCCCS Tribal ALTCS team created the DTB after many months of extensive project development, including surveying Tribal ALTCS plan employees to solicit feedback and suggestions, identifying required functionality, establishing workgroups, holding monthly discussions with tribal program staff and the Tribal ALTCS team, and testing each section to ensure viability.

The eight components of the DTB are: tribal contacts; deliverable reports & submission portal; common forms; PMMIS system; rate schedules; training resources; AHCCCS policy and procedures; and tribal program spotlights, a showcase of contracted tribal program office staff, communities, and cultural diversity.

The DTB is a dynamic tool that will continue to evolve as Tribal ALTCS receives feedback and suggestions from its users.

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