AHCCCS News & Updates 
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Dec. 11, 2023

With November Renewal Dashboard, AHCCCS Adds Map of Areas at Risk of Disenrollment

PHOENIX – The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) released its monthly Medicaid renewal data dashboard detailing progress through November and launched a new zip code map detailing areas at highest risk of discontinuance.

Since renewals began April 1, 1.6 million members have completed the renewal process, and more than 1.2 million have maintained their health care coverage.

More than 62,000 members who have been disenrolled since April for not responding to the agency’s request for information have then completed their renewal within the 90-day window and had coverage reinstated without having to start a new application.

AHCCCS was able to “auto renew” 79% of the renewals initiated last month, meaning these renewals needed no additional information from the member.

A new “heat map” details areas of the state by zip code and the level of risk of losing coverage due to a failure to complete annual renewals. This map is yet another way AHCCCS is providing transparency and information that stakeholder communities can use to strengthen awareness, education, and outreach efforts.

The various colors indicate risk levels ranging from 1-12 (lowest to highest) based on the number of active AHCCCS members, the current percentage of procedural discontinuances for response required renewals, and the number of remaining renewals.

Find the renewals dashboard and heat map on the AHCCCS Return to Regular Renewals web page.

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