AHCCCS News & Updates 
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Nov. 13, 2023

Medicaid Agency Asks Members to
Complete Renewal Request Regardless of Income

PHOENIX – The Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) released its monthly Medicaid renewal data dashboard. Since renewals began April 1, 1.5 million members have completed the renewal process, and more than 1.1 million have maintained their health care coverage.

AHCCCS encourages members, especially parents, to complete their renewal request, even if they do not think they will qualify. Children may still qualify for KidsCare, even if their parents do not qualify for Medicaid.

More than 58,800 members who have been disenrolled since April for not responding to the agency’s request for information, have then completed their renewal within the 90-day window and had coverage reinstated without having to start a new application.

Kristen Challacombe, deputy director of business operations at AHCCCS, urged members to take action and complete renewals within their 30-day period. “We are concerned that eligible people are not completing their renewal requests. The 90-day window helps, but we are focusing on minimizing gaps in coverage and ensuring people are responding to requests for information within 30 days.”

AHCCCS Connect is one way the agency is helping members remember to complete their renewal. Since renewals began, AHCCCS has made more than 6 million targeted touches to members, including, text, email, letters, and voice call to members about the status of their Medicaid coverage.

Other enhancements to help members complete their renewal include:

The October AHCCCS Renewals dashboard is posted on the AHCCCS Renewals web page and updated on the 10th of each month.

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