Get Updates from AHCCCS Connect

AHCCCS is now sending AHCCCS members personalized program reminders and updates to help guide members through the application process via SMS texts, automated voice calls, and/or emails.
To receive these communications, AHCCCS members need to provide their phone number and/or email address in their HEAplus account at
AHCCCS Connect may send members reminders about the following:
- AHCCCS applications,
- Reporting changes (i.e., contact information), and
- Annual AHCCCS renewals.
AHCCCS Connect sends SMS texts and voice calls from 1 (888) 831-7585 or 1 (602) 417-4800 and emails will come from

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is this service?
AHCCCS Connect sends personalized messages to:
- Guide AHCCCS members through the application/annual renewal process, and
- Notify members of important dates and actions regarding their AHCCCS coverage.
Q2: Who is this service for?
This service is for anyone applying for AHCCCS or KidsCare, and all enrolled AHCCCS members.
Q3: How do AHCCCS Members receive text or email messages?
When someone applies for AHCCCS, their email address and cell phone number will be added to AHCCCS Connect.
If a member believes their contact information is not correct, they can sign into their Health-e-Arizona Plus account at, create a new HEAplus account, or call 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587) to ensure their contact information is up to date.
If AHCCCS already has the member’s cellphone number, AHCCCS will send SMS texts unless the member opts out. If we don’t have the member’s cell number, we’ll contact them by email or voice call, depending on the information AHCCCS currently has for the member.
Q4: How do AHCCCS members opt out?
Members can cancel at any time by texting "STOP" to the phone number that sent them the text, following the voice prompts provided during automated voice calls, or by calling 1-855-HEA-PLUS (1-855-432-7587) to opt-out.
Q5: Can AHCCCS members rejoin after opting out?
Yes, members just need to text the keyword “START” to the phone number that sent them the text.
Q6: Does it cost me money?
It depends on the member’s mobile carrier. Standard message and data rates may apply.
Q7: What are the privacy standards and mobile terms?
Members can view the mobile terms of service and privacy policy on
- Visit
- Click on “Help” in the top right-hand side of the page.
- Click on “Forms.”
- In the search bar type “Privacy Policy” or “Mobile Terms of Service.”
- Click on the PDF to view the policy.
Q8: Is this a scam?
AHCCCS sends official messages by text, email, and phone call. We will never ask for personal or identifiable information. It is important to be vigilant and aware of possible scams online, and never disclose personal information unless members can verify who they are talking to.
Q9: What if I do not have an HEAplus account?
If you don’t have one, create one today on Health-e-Arizona Plus at Select "Create an Account." HEAplus will guide you through the account setup process.
Q10: I was notified of a “letter” in my Health-e-Arizona Plus account. How can I view the letter?
To view the letter in your Health-e-Arizona Plus account:
- Log in to your Health-e-Arizona Plus account,
- Select “Message Center” on the toolbar of your Home Page,
- Select “Letters and Requests for Information.”
Q11: I logged in to HEAplus and I don’t see a letter. What do I do?
If you follow the directions above, and do not see a letter in your HEAplus account, you will need the written letter AHCCCS mailed to you. In that physical letter, find the 6-digit Application Access Code. In HEAplus, click on “Enter Application Access Code to Access Existing Application” in the menu, and enter the code from your letter. The code is valid for 60 days from the date of the letter.
If you do not have the letter with the Application Access Code you can request a new code. Click on “Request Application Access Code to Access Existing Application” in the menu, and enter the required information to get a new code. Then, click on the “Enter Application Access Code to Access Existing Application” link in the menu and enter the new code.
When the code is accepted, you will be able to view your application in your HEAplus account and all letters AHCCCS sends about that application.