Fee-For-Service Email Lists 

Posted on 3/14/2025 @ 10:23AM

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AHCCCS Fee-For-Service Email Lists

As part of our ongoing efforts to communicate effectively with Fee for Service providers, the AHCCCS Division of Fee for Service Management (DFSM) maintains several mailing lists. We do not fill up your inbox with email, but focus on important information which will help you get reimbursed for services accurately and quickly. There are several lists targeted at communication to specific sub-groups of providers. All AHCCCS DFSM lists are described below:

  1. FFS-All-Providers-L (DFSM FFS All Providers) This list is to communicate information to all providers who submit claims to the AHCCCS Fee for Service Claims Unit, regardless of the type of provider or member's coverage.
  2. FFS-Hospital/Facilities-L (DFSM FFS Hospital/Facility Providers) This list is to communicate information to hospitals and other institutions that submit claims to the AHCCCS Fee for Service Claims Unit, regardless of the member's coverage.
  3. HCBS-Providers-L (DFSM HCBS Providers) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of Home and Community Based Services.
  4. IHS/638-Providers-L (DFSM IHS/638 Providers) This list is to communicate information of interest to Indian Health Services and Tribal providers.
  5. FFS-Practitioners-L (DFSM Non-Institutional Providers) This list is to communicate information of interest to physicians, therapists, dentists and other licensed providers of services who submit claims to the AHCCCS Fee for Service Claims Unit, regardless of the member's coverage.
  6. FFS-Transportation-L (DFSM Pt. Transportation) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of patient transportation services who submit claims to the AHCCCS Fee for Service Claims Unit, regardless of the member's coverage.
  7. FFS-Ancillary-L (DFSM Ancillary Providers) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of home health, durable medical equipment, pharmacy and other services that submit claims to the AHCCCS Fee for Service Claims Unit, regardless of the member's coverage.
  8. TPA-ADOC-L (TPA ADOC) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of services to inmates of the AZ Department of Corrections which are paid through the FFS Claims Unit as a third party administrator.
  9. TPA-Maricopa-L (TPA Maricopa Inmates) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of services to inmates through the Maricopa Inmates program which are paid through the FFS Claims Unit as a third party administrator.
  10. TPA-County-Inmates-L (TPA County Inmates) This list is to communicate information of interest to providers of services to inmates of the County Inmates Program which are paid through the FFS Claims Unit as a third party administrator.

Create an Account

If you are interested in joining one or more of these lists you can do so by creating an account at: http://listserv.azahcccs.gov. Once you have a listserv account you can manage your subscriptions to any AHCCCS mail lists.

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