AHCCCS ARP Program Awards for Providers
Program Overview
AHCCCS invested nearly $17 million from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) into an award program to strengthen Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in the state. You can find more information on the ARP and Arizona’s spending plans on the AHCCCS ARP Allocations web page.
The ARP Program Awards were intended to enhance the health, safety, and member experience for individuals who receive HCBS. AHCCCS members who directly benefit include Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) and non-ALTCS members like:
- Individuals who are elderly,
- Individuals with disabilities,
- Individuals living with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation, and
- Children with behavioral health needs.
Eligible HCBS providers were able to request between $10,000 and $1,000,000 for programmatic or infrastructure projects.
Success Stories
Through these grants, 61 projects received a total of nearly $17 million in funding to strengthen Home and Community Based Services in every county in Arizona.
Read more about these successful projects!
Update on Round 2 of the Awards
Given the state’s budget constraints, AHCCCS made the difficult decision not to move forward with a second round of ARP Program Awards. This decision was not made lightly, but was necessary to avoid cutting existing benefits or provider rates as a way to help balance the state’s budget. It is important to note that this does not affect Round 1 awardees, who continue to provide high-quality services using the roughly $17 million in awarded funds. AHCCCS greatly values the dedication of Arizona’s HCBS providers, and remains committed to partnering with the community to pursue innovative HCBS models that improve care for Arizonans.
Eligible Providers
The following providers of HCBS in Arizona were eligible to apply:
- Behavioral Health Outpatient Clinics (Provider Type 77),
- Attendant Care (Provider Type 40),
- Integrated Clinics (Provider Type IC),
- Assisted Living Centers (Provider Type 49),
- Assisted Living Homes (Provider Type 36),
- Habilitation Providers (Provider Type 39),
- Community Service Agencies (Provider Type A3),
- Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (Provider Type BC),
- Adult Foster Care (Provider Type 50),
- Home Delivered Meals (Provider Type 70),
- Adult Day Health (Provider Type 27),
- Elderly and Physical Disability (EPD) HCBS (Provider Type 81), and
- Area Agencies on Aging.
Eligible Activities
Funding could be used for any activities that improve the member experience, health, or safety of HCBS recipients in Arizona. The following goals are a particular priority:
- Increase engagement in community activities,
- Expand supportive employment and employment skills development including volunteerism,
- Support member voice and their choice to lead self-directed lives,
- Expand opportunities for social engagement and relationship building,
- Support recreation and health promotion programs that promote physical activity and nutrition,
- Expand technology that improves connectivity and telehealth,
- Create environmental/physical plant upgrades that promote health and safety,
- Increase or build transportation capacity,
- Provide support for family caregivers,
- Provide access to assistive technology or service animals to support independence,
- Enhance data systems and infrastructure that serve to streamline service delivery, promote access to care or supports care coordination efforts, and
- Expand and enhance independent housing opportunities
Funding is available for either programmatic or infrastructure projects. Interested organizations may apply for up to two projects.

Infrastructure Projects
Infrastructure projects are projects that support the purchase of or improvements to equipment, connectivity access, data systems, assistive technology, vehicles or physical plant modifications that will directly impact member experience, health, or safety.
Awards under infrastructure projects exclude the purchase of structures (e.g., homes, buildings, etc.).
Ineligible Activities
Award funds cannot be used for projects with on-going costs like internet fees or other long-term cost commitments unless the applicant can ensure the long-term sustainability of the award investment.
The program award funding may not supplant or replace existing state funds expended for Medicaid HCBS. Program award funding may be used to supplement, enhance, expand, or strengthen existing services.
Questions and Technical Help
For questions about the program awards, or help with GrantsConnect, email AHCCCSARPAwardsHelp@pcgus.com.
AHCCCS ARP Award Resources
- Example Round 2 application with high-quality responses
- ARP Program Award Payment Banking Form
- GrantsConnect Guide
- Blackbaud ID Instructions
- State Medicaid Director Letter
Recorded Webinars
Round 2 - Nov. 13, 2023
Round 2 - Dec. 7, 2023
Round 1 - April 10, 2023
The first webinar was held on April 10 to introduce the award program and provide more details on eligibility, covered activities, and priorities for the funding.
Review the AHCCCS ARP Program Award (4/10/23)
Round 1 - April 19, 2023
The second webinar was held on April 19 to explain the GrantsConnect platform and instructions for applying.
Review the AHCCCS GrantsConnect Presentation (4/19/23)